Men, You Must Re-Think Your Marriage Proposal Fast


This might be the world’s most romantic marriage proposal ever. This man has single handedly raised the bar of marriage proposals.

Getting down on one knee, gazing into her eyes, and asking her to marry you is no longer enough.

Getting her family and friends together for the proposal is no longer enough.

Flowers is no longer enough.

You now need boats and jets and celebrities and fireworks and dancing and music and videos and just watch the clip.

He Made Me Cereal For Our Dinner Date



Horrible date #624

So I started talking we’ll call “Larry”. Upfront he had a daughter and a responsible relationship with the mother, so I thought I’d give it a chance. Larry is a business owner, seemed mature and made it clear he wanted a committed relationship. I went on 3 coffee or dessert dates with Larry and thought he was very nice so I wanted to see more of him.

During a random conversation I mentioned that I wanted breakfast. He offered to cook for me! After I picked my jaw up off the floor, I was delighted at the offer and said a resounding “yes”! I told him  I had work in the evening to make sure he knew my time schedule.

I arrived at his house for the 1st time and, to my surprise, found he wasn’t cooking at all; he was on his computer. We sat at his dinning room table for 30 minutes until his friend who we’ll call “Joe” showed up to cook for us. Disappointed at the lack of effort on Larry’s part and the little white lie he told, I was even more shocked to find that Joe came unprepared, wanted to take my order, go to the grocery store and buy the ingredients.

All of a sudden, Larry gets all perceptive, and even innovative!  He asked, “would you like to go to the store and just grab some cereal since you have to go to work soon?” I didn’t want to seem high maintenance and I wanted to think this was just a poorly planned bad date so I complied.  After the grocery store, we got back to his apartment, ate the cereal and he actually proceeded to talk on his phone the rest of the time.  Needless to say we I couldn’t take the lack of attention on top of a bad date. Enough was enough!

[Los Angeles, CA]

If you’ve had a bad date, come to CheckMate.  No, seriously.